Don't hesitate to contact us today! 770-996-7008

portrait of caregiver and senior woman
Therapy to help you get back in top condition.

people performing rehabilitation exerciseWhen you have a chronic condition that makes daily living difficult for you, our experienced therapists are here to assist you with your specific condition. Our rehabilitation programs make sure to utilize the latest and best care available to improve your health and situation.

Our rehabilitation services include:

Physical Therapy
– When you have a physical injury or disability, our therapists can help you improve your mobility, function, and stability, and provide pain relief.

Occupational Therapy
– When your motor functions are impaired, you may have difficulty in performing everyday tasks. With assistance from our occupational therapists, we can create a personalized care plan that helps you complete your daily activities with confidence and ease.

Speech Therapy
– It can be frustrating for individuals with communication or speech disorders when they can’t interpret the things they want to say. Our speech therapists provide you with programs that aid in improving your communication skills.

For more information on how we can help you, please contact us or call 770-996-7008.